The other morning as I walked into the barn I realized that things were different. Where were the donkeys? Generally when it's dinner time, I'm greeted by an array of loud brays. The barn was rather quiet. I soon discovered that they had somehow slipped the latch to the goat's pen and were enjoying time exploring on the other side of the fence. They outsmarted me - again. I knew there was no way that I would be able to herd them back to where they belonged. As I started to think through the situation I also began to think of the age old question, "Are donkeys really stubborn?"
Donkeys get a pretty bad rap for being really stubborn animals. What I have come to learn is that they are actually extremely intelligent creatures and when anything challenges our own intellect we refer to them as being stubborn or stupid.
I've found that donkeys take the time to think through a situation rather than strictly reacting to it. For instance, I can put a halter on one of my girls and try to coax them outside the barn doors but until I allow them to process what is going on, there is no way that I can get her to move her feet forward. Stubborn? Maybe just cautious.
I have also learned that I have to think through a situation relating to the donkeys rather than just reacting. So, back to my story from the beginning. Herding them back into the barn was out of the question. I've been there, tried that, it doesn't work. They like to be out and explore so there is no reason why they would consent to being herded back into their pen. So, think. What do they like? Sweet grain. I don't generally give my donkeys grain unless it seems to be an emergency situation and this seemed to pass the bill. All I had to do was show them what I had, talk to them calmly and they followed me right in. All, that is except, Serenity. She has been around for awhile and seems to have learned my tricks. I did have to halter her in order to get her back in. Stubborn? I like to call it a free thinking animal.
One of the reasons donkeys make such good pack animals is because of their keen intellect. If they sense danger of any kind along a trail, they will not go forward no matter the coaxing. Stubborn? Life saving.
I like to have an animal that challenges me and causes me to think through a scenario. So, the next time you are tempted to think of an animal as being stubborn or stupid maybe you should look inward. Who is really the stubborn one here?